Personal Banking

Loans Back to Back

Guaranteed loans granted to clients who maintain current fixed-term deposits and who require a need for liquidity prior to the agreed date of the expiration of the fixed term.


Fund Transfers

Documentary Credit

The Documentary Credit Service is a method of payment by means of which one can cover the purchase of good and services. In this type of service, the bank acts on behalf of the purchaser, guaranteeing the seller the payment of a sum of money in an established period in the commercial operation, against the reception of shipping or service documents, which comply with the terms and conditions established by the buyer.

Key Debit Card – Plus

It is a card through which our customers can withdraw cash and check balances anywhere in the world using ATMs network that have the Plus system; in addition, they can make purchases and payments at local sales points.

Checking Account in Foreign Currency

A call checking account that allows you to keep your funds in the foreign currency of your choice to make your payments and receive commercial or personal remittances.

Money Markets Accounts

Now your checkbook earns interest!

The Personal Money Market Account is a tiered rate interest bearing checking account designed for clients with high account balances payable monthly at competitive rates. Rates are paid based on the level of funds maintained.

Checking Accounts

At BICSA, you can open your personal Current account, manage your funds, and make payments by means of checks or transfers.